Monday 19 November 2007

Learning To Draw Again

That's the best way I can describe it. I'm trying to use a Wacom (Graphire 4 6x8) tablet to do some concept art for my short. I'm finding at a bit of a struggle, to tell the truth. I must try to wean myself off pencils and pastels.

I decided to try and visualize the heroine of my short (we'll just call her the girl - because I haven't thought of a name for her yet). This is her when she has grown up (in scene 2 of 2). She is wearing an iron age style dress tied at the waist. I was thinking of making my figures much more stylized but she seems to have become a bit more realistic.

Both of these preliminary sketches are done using Photoshop CS2. This first one is a full body shot from the front.

The Girl - Grown Up (body from front)

I've also drawn a more detailed version of her face.

The Girl - Grown Up (face)

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